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Pink Free-Size Robe

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Happy Beltane! I should have made a garden post for today, but I didn’t plan ahead enough for that. Maybe next week.

Continuing my experimenting with free-size pattern drafting, I’ve finished a pink robe with biblical vibes. Knit jersey that I received for free from an online buy-nothing group was the perfect length of fabric for an exercise in using every bit, sewing with rectangles, and drafting my own pattern.

You can see from this progress shot what I mean by “using-every-bit.” This is what I cut from the yardage folded in half. One set of rectangles at the bottom became sleeves and the other set became pockets. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to make a robe (open front) or kaftan (solid front) until I got going, so I left my options open as long as I could.

The only bit that really needed precise drafting was the neck and shoulders, and the height of the pockets.

The white trim is very sturdy and adds structure to the sleeves and the front of the garment.

The front edges went a bit wavy on me because the fabric is sooo stretchy and wouldn’t hold a crease to press the hem before making it. The pockets are basted onto the inside of the front so that they don’t sag when full.

I decided not to add any ties or closures. The garment makes sense as a topper more than intimate-wear and could easily be paired with a sash or belt that matches the rest of the ensemble. I’ll add it to my bin of renaissance-clothes-to-lend-out because it will fit pretty much anyone.