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Linen Apron

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While losing my mind over every activity involving being at home, it felt like a good time to be motivated to make some at-home clothing. Preferably something more sophisticated than sweat pants, but that would not require the removal of said sweat pants to enjoy.

Here we find the apron. A garment which instantly communicates “I care about my clothes,” without requiring that those clothes be nice.

An apron says, “I’m doing something important, and it might get messy.” But not so messy that I need a smock, and not so messy that I wanted to make this mess before getting dressed for the day, and hopefully not so messy that I actually get anything that stains on this nice apron.

Made from linen and patterned by me using only rectangles, which brings me incredible joy over the efficient use of fabric, and I think, compliments the linen more than darts ever could.