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Dining Room Diptych. Abstract Landscape in Acrylic.

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Finally, I’m calling them finished. The large pair of abstract, moody landscapes that I’ve been working on since the start of the new year are done and hung. Not that I have put an excessive number of hours into them, but I have to tell myself that they’re finished more for the fact that it is hard to know when an abstract painting is finished! Representation is easy: it’s done when it looks like the thing you’re painting.

Painted in acrylic on 24″ by 30″ canvases, these paintings GLOW. They photograph well but are equally luminous in person. I like them alright, but more than anything they’ve opened up a can of worms full of other ideas on things to paint and hang in this exact space. For that reason, I don’t think they’re going to last long in their current place of honor at the head of the table. I would thus be interested in selling these paintings straight away, if I can find an interested buyer.