For anyone who is wondering, I buy the Mehndi Henna Kit by Jacquard every time I feel like drawing all over people. I think that they recently changed their formula, because this time around, the mixture was MUCH smoother and stained a lot darker, and a lot faster. They also switched from a metal applicator tip to a clear plastic one. At first I was skeptical about this because the tip doesn’t stay on as well as the metal on, but being able to see the henna mixture approach the tip of the tube gives me greater control and was actually quite helpful. This tip also seemed to clog less.
Thursday I spent the day decorating some of my friends. One of them suggested that I charge for this service at community events. I do like that idea…maybe I’ll look into that. I feel like I have had enough practice with the medium to do so.
As I was saying, this batch of henna came out extremely dark. Though most of these pictures were taken when the henna was still wet, the final results were still just as dark, with a slightly more orange tone to them.